Battery-Powered Voice Processing for IoT Applications

Smartphones with integrated sensors have really helped drive down the cost and power consumption of sensor-based solutions. Lower cost and lower power sensor-based solutions have, in turn, enabled the “Internet of Things” (IoT) market to become established. However, IoT applications are different than smartphone applications in many ways. One of the most important is how […]

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On the 13 Variants of the ArcticLink III VX…

The question arose today of alternative input/output architectures the ArcticLink III VX that aren’t explicitly listed. First, let’s start by listing the 13 variants Click the chart to embiggen I should also note that the interfaces which the customer requires are determined by their choice of processor and display–while we’ve address this ad nauseum before, […]

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On the Snapdragon…

Welcome back to QuickLogic HotSpot. QuickLogic announced today that we now have a daughter card available that connects to the DragonBoard (based on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Processors).  Our card accepts the MIPI-DSI output of the DragonBoard.  It embeds a QuickLogic ArcticLink III VX5 CSSP device that converts the MIPI-DSI signal to LVDS.  As it’s a VX device, […]

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On the ArcticLink III for Cameras…

Today’s blog deals with an adjacent market for the ArcticLink III (AL III), digital cameras, and specifically the embedded display. As I start, I should be clear and say that we are not talking about putting VEE and DPO into the image capture (camera) path.   As many of you know, we license the core of […]

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One More For the Road…

…so I may have been a bit premature when I said it was the last blog of 2011 in my last entry… Before the break, I wanted to quickly give our readers a summarized list of questions we’ve gotten regarding the ArcticLink III VX in the last month or so of press and investor interviews.    […]

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Size Matters: How We Shrunk the ArcticLink III VX

As the final blog before we (OK, I) settle down for a long winters nap, I wanted to mention a few items about the size of the ArcticLink III VX device. Yes, we’ve shrunk the device 44% from 6 x 6 mm to 4.5 x 4.5 mm.  This is true for all 13 variants of […]

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VEE and DPO HD+; What’s Different and Improved

We’ve spent a lot of time in the past couple of days talking about generational improvements and interfaces, but the main selling features of the ArcticLink III VX will remain our Visual Enhancement Engine High Definition Plus (VEE HD+) and Display Power Optimizer High Definition Plus (DPO HD+). Those familiar with our products know the […]

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QuickLogic Generations; How the ArcticLink III VX Compares and Contrasts to the ArcticLink II VX

For those who are avid readers of the QuickLogic HotSpots, the ArcticLink II VX (ALII) is a very familiar topic.  As the primary vehicle for our VEE and DPO technologies, the ALII has been used by OEMs such as Pantech, BenQ, Kyocera, and others. But, like all things aimed at consumer technology, it must evolve, […]

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…And We’re Back

Thanks for visiting us here at QuickLogic’s HotSpots…today’s subject is a few more of the frequently asked questions we regularly get on VEE and DPO technology. Q: How does VEE work with curved cover glass displays? A: Obviously curved cover glass is a potential trend in mobile phones, with it being used two recent Google […]

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