Honeycomb Cometh…

Google’s demonstration last week of its Android 3.0 OS (Honeycomb, for those ‘in the know’) has been widely hailed as the first real shot across the massive battleship that is iPad/iOS.  Naval references aside, the combination of support for larger display sizes along with graphics and interfaces designed specifically for those larger displays is exactly […]

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Reactions from a New iPad Owner

Like 5M or so of my fellow technophiles (that number is certainly up for debate—see http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/10/05/how-many-ipads-has-apple-really-sold/), I recently purchased an iPad. The next day, I began what ended up being a 16 day trip throughout Korea, where I put the iPad through its paces. A disclaimer: I estimate I used the iPad probably 25% of […]

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